Archive for March, 2011

Alaric the Ostrogoth First Teutonic Viking to Sack Rome

March 21, 2011


Our whole Nordic/Germanic/Celtic history has to be revised. So many conflicting stories about how the Caucasian race migrated from Asia to Europe or vice versa.

The truth of the matter is that the Nordic/Germanic/Celtic races all came down from the north in several migrations. They came from the mysterious land called Thule.

They migrated into what is now called Britain and Ireland as well as Scandinavia, Germany and India and settled there.

The Romans who are part of the Mediterranean race had conquered most of Europe, south of the Danube, Asia Minor, North Africa and Britain.

At the height of their power the Teutons, which is the name given to the Germanic tribes in eastern Germany, started there western migrations.

A powerful tribe called the Goths was the first to have their minds set on sacking Rome. The Eastern Goths called Ostrogoths lived on the shores of the Black Sea. Then there were the Western Goths called Visigoths who lived near the shores of the Danube. They both intended to invade Rome and sack it.

As the years passed the Goths grew stronger and the Romans weaker.

Alaric who learned to fight under Roman commanders left Rome and became the leader of the Visigoths. With his warriors he  first raided Greece and sacked Athens and collected masse of treasure.

He then waited six years and watched Rome deteriorate. When the time was right and the Roman Empire in the East, Constantinople who was ruled by a boy emperor, was also at its weakest, Alaric marched straight up to the walls of Rome.

He surrounded the city, shut off its food supply and commanded it to surrender.

The luxurious Romans, behind their tall wall, laughed at him and told him to try to take their city.

Alaric waited outside the gates. When the Romans were weakened by famine and pestilence they asked him for generous terms of surrender.

He laughed back at them and told them to bring him all the gold and silver in the city.

They moaned and cried and he finally agreed to accept 5000 pounds of gold; 30,000 pounds of silver; 4000 robes of silk, 3000 pieces of scarlet cloth and 3000 pounds of pepper.

He went away and explored and pillaged Italy. Then he came back to Rome and they opened the gates to him without a peep. They poured into the city.

They killed all who opposed them or tried to hide their wealth from them. When they left they had wagons loaded with gold and silver and silk and jewels.

Alaric then planned to invade Sicily but he took ill and died.

His warriors turned side a small river. They wrapped him in finest silk and made his grave on the empty river back, with a great amount of treasure to take  with him to Valhalla.

Then they turned back the waters of the river to flow over his grave and hide it forever, lest it should become known and robbed.

Alaric and the Visigoths were just one of several Teutonic Viking tribes that sacked Rome.

Those Goths and Teutons were just part of the Nordic/Germanic/Celtic races that migrated south from Thule. They were all related by blood with one thought in mind; to pillage, fight and conquer.

How Russia Got Its Name “Rurik The Norseman”

March 20, 2011



A great deal of our Northern European, Nordic/Germanic history has been lost or destroyed by the takeover by Christianity.

Our school children can learn all they want about Native American, Greek, Roman, Jewish and Chinese cultures.

They can go to the library and the shelves are filled with books on those cultures. What about Nordic/Germanic?

Well I am only one voice shouting in the wind, but I will shout! So here are some little known facts about Viking and Nordic/Germanic history.

The tribes in central Russia in the ninth century were tall and strong. They could climb cliffs, swim raging rivers and fight savagely.

They taught their children that every injury to a family member must be avenged.

They had no fear. They went into battle fearlessly against other wild tribes and even against well trained Roman soldiers.

They had only one method of battle. They flung themselves furiously upon their foes as soon as they found them.

They were kind to one another and they were very hospitable. They left food in sight when they left their huts so that no chance way farer would go away hungry.

They believed in a great god ‘The Thunderer’ (Thor) and a vast number of lesser gods.

The wisest and bravest of each tribe become the chief.

In Northern Russia, around the Baltic Sea, lived a people even fiercer than them. They were the Norsemen, North men, the Vikings.

Many of these Vikings entered the service of the emperors at Constantinople. They were royal bodyguards who could be trusted completely.

With their dragon ships they had seen a good deal of the world. They even succeeded in making many fierce tribes of central Russia and elsewhere pay them tribute.

These Russian tribes did not want to pay tribute and they quarreled and fought amongst themselves, causing destruction and chaos throughout the land.

The wisest men amongst these fierce tribes saw that they needed more power to govern them.

They knew how much more civilized the North men were. They sent envoys to the RUSS, a tribe of North men, to say: “Our country is large and rich, but we have no order. Do come and rule over us.”

A Norseman name Rurik and his two brothers said, “We will come!”

They came with all their well armed followers. Rurik built his stronghold at Nov-go-rad. He then chose men he could trust and gave them land where they built fortresses’ and kept peace in the land.

Rurik conquered all the neighboring tribes until he had a large kingdom. He called it Russia.

Rurik reigned for 17 years and passed the throne to his young son. So you see, the first ruler of Russia was a bold and daring warrior. A Viking!

How many of our school children know this? How many were even told?

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:





Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:









Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Evil Black Magician Who Lives Inside of Mankind

March 12, 2011


Man is not one but many!

The New Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm to work with. It is called the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.

It is now time to redefine what a human being really is. The simplistic definition “an upright biped” is no longer sufficient to describe the complexity of modern man. Did you know that everything walking around in our streets on two legs is not human?

Nor is the religious dogmatic definition that “man is a physical body that contains a soul” valid anymore.

In reality man is a soul, who blinked out of the Mind of God. He is all energy and he creates a physical body from the energies of the Quantum Ocean that surrounds him.

The big illusion that mankind lives under that causes all his sufferings can be solved by understanding that man is not a unity but a multiplicity.

Since everything in the universe including man is energy, than along with attracting the energies to create a physical body he also attracted many other divergent energies.

These energies have taken on a separate life inside man. In the occult world they are called egregors. Fear, hate, jealousy are some to name a few.

They have become very clever and often self-harming “I’s”. These “I’s” mankind carries around within his energy structure.

They live just below mankind’s level of consciousness so that he does not see what they are doing. They use their cunning arts to stimulate mankind into negative states. These negative states (where they exist) are on the rise at the present level of humanity on the planet today.

Look at the news, the TV, the crime, wars and chaos that prevails.

For mankind to wake up and follow the new Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics into a more spiritual reality each and every one of us must learn to see the ugly and lying set of “I’s” that are within us.

The object of these negative “I’s”, these parasitic energy fields we are carrying within us is to destroy our happiness and make us miserable and ill. They also eat our vital life force like psychic vampires.

The greatest illusion and mystery that we all share is in our ignorance of what lies within us.

It is almost as if an Evil Black Magician concerned with keeping us asleep on this planet Earth realizes what suggestible fools we are. He hypnotizes us to serve his needs and not our own. We feed him our life force instead of using it ourselves to evolve spiritually.

The real danger for us is in taking our negative emotions (I’s) as our own. We tend to think everything that goes on within us, every thought, idea, mood, memory, feeling, depression, sensation belongs to us. That we created them!

We attribute all evil thoughts and all our good thoughts to our own making. This is a deeply wrong idea. It causes us endless and unnecessary suffering.

We are convincingly assured that we are a single person, a unity, a real I. But man is not a unity but a multiplicity.

We need to awaken from this trancelike, hypnotic false reality we are living.

To awaken we must first divide ourselves into two parts.. One an ‘observer’ who consciously watches what the other part ‘the observed’ is doing.

We need to become individualized Gods ruling our own energy world. We need to know what the positive “I’s” and the negative “I’s” are doing within us 24/7.

Then we can consciously feed the positive “I’s” with our attention and life force making them stronger. And slowly kill off the negative “I’s” by a conscious lack of attention to them. This will cut off their energy supply and they will die. Remember where you place your attention your energy flows.

This is how we can help rid the world of negative entities and break their control over us.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:


Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

How To Attract Money Using Rune FA

March 11, 2011




FA is the rune that will attract money, wealth, prosperity into your life now! This is the first one in the Guido Von List Futhark of 18 runes.


Choose just one key word when you meditate. It is always more powerful and productive.  It gives your meditation and breathing exercises a laser beam approach.


Of all the methods you can use to bring  their energies into your aura is to breathe them in while meditating.


The day that you start to meditate and breathe the energies of wealth, which is one of the key words for the FA, is the day you will start to attract more money out of the Quantum Ocean where the runes exist and have always existed.


Be alert for this new found money. It might start with finding a shiny penny on the ground. Pick it up. Don’t spit in Freya’s eye (Goddess of Prosperity). Answer your mail, talk to strangers. Once money energy starts towards you from the Quantum Ocean and starts to enter your aura your new found riches will begin.

Remember the Laws of Quantum Physics. They tell us all is energy. You are energy, money is energy, wealth is energy, and runes are energy.

Runes are ancient. They existed long before the Viking Age.. They are keys to the doorways that lead to the Universal Energies of Creation or what is known in today’s world as the Quantum Ocean. FA is a symbol for energy that existed long before words.

The key to recreating and redefining your prosperity is to get this energy inside of you NOW.

The primary function of Rune FA is to attract mobile wealth, money into your life. .

Key Words:


•       Money

•      Original Fire

•       Life Change

•   Rising Phoenix

•   Spiritual Creation

•   Mobile Wealth

•   Wealth


Choose the keyword that you feel represents your idea of riches. This will be the one you will use in your breathing exercises.


The Norse Goddess FREYA is the Goddess of this rune.


This work is not instantaneous. A chest of gold will not mysteriously appear at your doorstep. The attraction process works like this: When you make contact with the RUNE-FA, waves of energy from the Quantum Ocean will flow towards you.


They will enter into your life as events, people, ideas, phone calls and mail. The rest is up to you!

Wealth Meditation Exercise


Sit comfortably in your favorite chair. Hold a large rune in your hands. Look at it, meditate upon it. Then take a deep breath and say “I am now inhaling the energies of Riches out of the quantum ocean and into my aura.”


Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:





Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:









Do it three times. Do not be turned off by the simplicity. It works.. Get up and go about your business with the assurance that money is on its way.