Archive for the ‘alternate health’ Category

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Esoteric Astrology

July 19, 2011



It is time to take a look at esoteric astrology. Our human body has had an immense period of evolution. We are in a slow process of gradual up building which is still continuing and which will make each generation better.


 As we rotate through each new 2000 year cycle we are presented with a new energy which helps us evolve. The Age of Aquarius now floods the planet and all its inhabitants with the powerful energy of Uranus.


Whether we work with this powerful energy consciously or not it will initiate great changes in each of us as well as humanity as a whole.


It is time to get a better understanding of our finer vehicles and our inner organs which will feel the effect of the energies of Uranus.


Let us start with the astrological correspondence of our ductless glands. They are under the ruler of the life-giving Sun and the Great Benefic Jupiter.


Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that ALL is alive and ALL is connected. The Sun and Jupiter are alive and they are connected spiritually to our glands.


We must now carefully note that our individual glands are also under the ruler ship of other planets as well.


There are seven ductless glands that the ancient occultists called “the seven roses.”

These seven ductless glands are:


The Pituitary Gland, ruled by Uranus

The Pineal Gland, ruled by Neptune

The Thyroid Gland, ruled by Mercury

The Thymus Gland, ruled by Venus

The Spleen, ruled by the Sun

The two Adrenals, ruled by Jupiter


The Thymus gland, the Spleen and the two Adrenals are connected and effect our emotions. The Pituitary body and the Pineal gland are correlated with the spiritual side of our nature. The Thyroid gland forms the link between.


The Spleen is the entrance gate of the solar force which circulates through our body, without which we cannot live. It is governed by the Sun. The two Adrenals, under the ruler ship of Jupiter exert a calming, quieting effect on our emotional nature. Venus and her higher octave Uranus, govern the functions of nutrition and growth. 


We are now in the Age of Aquarius whose energies work through the Pituitary body. This Age will aid awakened man in his efforts to penetrate the veil into the invisible worlds.


No one can really and truly observe the physiological functions of any organs under such conditions as exist in the laboratory, on the operating table, or in the dissection and vivisection chambers.


To get an adequate understanding one must see these organs exercising their physiological functions in a living body, and can only be done by spiritual sight.


Now, in the Aquarian Age the Sun will begin to transmit highly intellectual vibrations which will  increase our intuitions, premonitions, and telepathic transmissions. This will be done by the awakening of the Pituitary ruled by Uranus.


Welcome to the New Age.




Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Spiritual Quantum Physics Creativty Versus Competition

May 8, 2011



“Change the idea of a thing and you change the thing. It’s that simple.” Dr Ernest Holmes.


The essence of mankind is not to compete but to create.


You are a unique soul that has blinked out of the Infinite Soul called the Mind of God to do the work only you can do!


The Universe has created no other person like you to do what you must do. Only you can do it or it won’t get done.


You are important in the Mind of god and your job is to make yourself feel just as important in your own mind.


Only you can use the Divine powers in the infinite Quantum Ocean that are yours.


The Divine Mind of God made each one of us unique. Competition attempts to make us alike. Competition casts all humanity into the same mold. The same size nine shoe. It is not our true spiritual path.


Creativity makes each one of us an individual part of God’s Mind. This is our true path.


Competition exists on the material plane where you fall into the trap of not wanting to be different, but wanting to be the same, as others, only better.


Creativity helps you build a world all your own. Conformity and competition are death kneels to the spirit. Creativity and non-conformity are an expansion into cosmic understanding.


Your security in life depends entirely on your recognition of your Divine nature. You’re potential to become a God yourself.


Money, home, insurance policies and position in life are puffs of smoke on the wind. There are neither banks in the hereafter nor pockets in a shroud (coffin).


All the things of the physical world change. The only infinite is your relationship with the Infinite Mind of God. Your own individual manifestation of the Universal Mind of God, only that is changeless.


Your own recognition of this great truth will provide you with more security than you ever dreamed of.


This is the key to attainment. It will flood you with creative energy and fill your life with success, accomplishment and vigor.


Nietzsche was right: “We Are Gods!”


Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:

















Spiritual Quantum Physics and Satipatana (Mindfulness)

May 7, 2011

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Satipatana (Mindfulness)

Satipatana (Mindfulness) is one of the most important words and practices we can use in this new Age of Aquarius.


The Age of Aquarius is also called the Age of the Mind. The laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics which is the new paradigm for this age tells us all is energy created by the MIND OF GOD.


We are individual souls who blinked out of the Mind of God (which is the infinite soul), therefore we are mind also.


The Age of Pisces, which just lasted 2000 years, can be called the Age of Emotions. Look at all the wars caused by the emotional religions created by man during those 2000 years. The emotions of man have recreated the whole not for the better world in the past 2000 years


Now we go into the Age of the Mind. It is man’s mind that will recreate the new realities for the next 2000 years.


It is imperative that each one of us (who is interested in creating a better world) to make our minds stronger and more malleable to our will.


We live in an insane and chaotic world of massive frequencies inundating us 24/7 from the TV, the media, cell phones and electronic chatter flowing through the atmosphere.


We must take back control of our own minds. My teacher I.F. saw this coming 35 years ago and helped me prepare my mind for its onslaught.


I studied with him for 17 years, most of it verbally. Even now that he is gone from the physical plane I still communicate with him.


His last words to me on this physical plane were “fight for your free time.”  This meant also my free mental time, free from the impingement of the thoughts of others.


The saying “be still and know that you are God,” is so important for sanity. Are you still from the TV, work, malls, cell phones, electronic chatter?


Over 35 years ago he shared with me a very powerful mind strengthening exercise called ‘satipatana.’


It is a very detailed set of exercises so I will just share one or two parts with you. Practice them and see how strong your mind becomes.


Under his supervision he had me consciously SLOW down everything that I did. I deliberately talked slower, walked slower, drank slower, wrote slower, breathed slower. In fact I did everything much, much slower.


I was using the power of my mind and will to force my physical body to obey me. No matter how much it fidgeted or tried to force more food into my mouth or words into my conservation I STOPPED it and forced it to do it slower.


Sound easy? Try it and you will see how much your physical body controls you every minute of every day. It is your mind that should control the body and not vice versa. It is your body that craves that second piece of pizza that wants to chatter like a magpie and race through the day. Stop it.


We are moving into the Age of the Mind and you will need a strong free mind to hear all the new messages that will be showering down upon us from higher realms of consciousness.


Otherwise you will remain a robot controlled by those who have always controlled the Earth. The New Age is here with new rules. Prepare yourself to hear them.


Here is the Satipatana walking exercise:

 I.F. would have me take off my shoes and socks and stand at one end of his living room. When he said go I would start to walk. It was a very special walk.


I started with my feet together and then I picked my left leg straight up (90 degree angle to the floor) till my thigh was parallel to the floor.


I would hold it while standing on one foot. This was very, very difficult for the first few weeks because I had a hard time balancing myself on one foot.


I.F. would shake his head and tell me that was proof of how far out of balance I was.


Then I would move my left leg straight out and then straight down always making 90 degree angels. I would bring it down till it was exactly in front of the big toe of my right foot, no space in between. Toe to heel.


Then I would bring my right foot straight up, hold, then straight out, hold. Then bring it down toe to heel with the left foot. That was one full movement.


The object was to move completely across the 20 foot floor AS SLOW AS I POSSIBLY COULD.


The first few times I would make several up and down trips in the five minutes allowed. He would shake his head and say slower.


I worked on this for months till I finally accomplished what he expected. I would take the whole 5 minutes to make just ONE trip. 5 Minutes to walk heel to toe for 20 feet with each step being perfectly perpendicular to the floor.


Sound easy? Try it. Start today to strengthen your mind and free yourself from all the controlling forces of the Piscean world.


Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:



May 2, 2011




The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics have given to mankind a new paradigm of energy healing.


The AMA with all its deadly chemicals, surgery and machines is on its way out. It may take another 100 years but the new Age of Aquarius with its ruler Uranus will do the job for us. Every 2000 years there are great changes. This will be one of them.


Why will the AMA go? Because they have continually gone against Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine who said:


“Hurt not your patient!”


There are many other painless healing techniques practiced throughout the world that work on the whole man and his energy through the mind-body connection.


Let’s take a look at what some of the ancient healers had to say. Look at how often they point to the mind.


The ‘prima axiom’ is that health is the normal state of the body. We were born from a divine blueprint out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, to be healthy.


Why is health a stranger to the majority of mankind?


“Where do the miseries of the flesh”, termed by Labeo, the Roman healer come from? He said “ill habits of the body.”


Philo Judaeus said “disease has its seat in and originates from intemperance and irascibilities (I like that word!) of the mind.”


These ancient healers thought that the only true physicians should be philosophers who know how the heavens work. Pills and purgatives are powerless against these mental disquietudes which breed physical disorders.


The Egyptians believed that learning and knowledge are the chief medicaments, for the truly rational man is master of most afflictions of the flesh.


Piccolo Ominean declared that wise men should be immovably seated in moderation both in feelings and action. (Buddha’s middle path.)


“ILL dispositions beget bad habits if they persevere” said Plutarch.


Christ said “it is not what you put into your mouth that poisons you. It is what comes out of your mouth (and mind).


Many will not admit that their temperaments work a hardship on the flesh.


 But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that excess of passions burns up the body. Watching too much sexual, violent TV allows the excess of passion to enter your aura and burn you out.


The physical body exploited by the erroneous thinking of the mind may be reduced to a state of utter exhaustion.


“I always thought that it was my

Stinking drinking

That caused my stinking thinking.

But now I found out that is was

My stinking thinking that caused

My stinking drinking.”


According to an ancient Chinese maxim the greater part of disease can be cured through moderation of the mental activities.


Many know that negative thoughts create illnesses. But what they don’t understand is that since we are all connected in the fishbowl called humanity that the negative thoughts do not have to be your own. They can come from others, in through your aura and affect your physical body. TV is one of the worst offenders in causing illness in mankind. People sit there with their guards down and are soon hypnotized by what is on the screen and all the words, curses, images go into their auras. What you carry in your auras creates your reality.

Shut TV OFF!


The Chinese say “Disease if a physical manifestation of an inner disposition.” Your aura is your open doorway between your outer and you’re inner. Protect it!


Since we are all souls who blinked out of the Infinite Soul called the Mind of God, we can name what an evil disposition is.


“It is a disease of the Soul caused by Immoderation”


Lemnius said” “No mortal man is free from immoderation.” That is one of our tasks; to become moderate in all things.


Buddha taught liberation from physical bondage is emancipation from all excesses of desires.


The happiness and health of the wise results from perfect co-ordination between the individual (soul) and the Universe (Mind of God) of which he is a part.


An evil disposition is any irascibility (there is that word again) by which the individual soul falls short of normal tranquility.


A perverted temperament springs from mental bondage to some unhealthy attitude (or TV show) or as the ancients termed it, an unreasonable passion or frenzy.


Thus the ancients have spoken! Is anyone listening?







The Problem is the Word God

April 26, 2011




The word ‘God’ has caused more wars, more pain, more suffering than any other word uttered by mankind.


The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Thirty Years War, the Jewish-Arab conflict, the Muslim-Christian conflict, the Catholic-Protestant conflict just to name a few.


The problem lies in the fact that nobody really knows what a God is or how it functions.


Every manmade religion has such a limited and narrow concept of what a God is. ‘My God is better than your God.’ ‘My God is the only God.’


The Age of Aquarius with its Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us all is ENERGY. Therefore to truly understand what God or any God is we must define a God in energy terms.


“A God is the next higher ordering force.” At the smallest level a man is a God to a dog because he orders its life.


Now let’s look at the highest level. There is no way with our finite minds that we can truly understand what or who God is. We can only understand by studying his highest physical manifestation.


At the highest level of abstraction we have the Creator God, an infinite energy being, the Prime Mover, and the Grand Architect of the Universe.


The Universe is the highest level of manifested energy we know. Within it are billions of Galaxies all created by the energies within the Universe.


The Universe is God to the billions of Galaxies. Within the energies of each Galaxy and created by the energy of each Galaxy are billions of Solar Systems.


The Galaxy is the God to the billions of Solar Systems.


Within each Solar System is a Sun. It is the energy from the Sun that creates the planets. The Sun is the God of the planets.


Many of the ancient civilizations worshipped the Sun. Modern man in his arrogance, ego and ignorance demonizes these Sun worshipping religions. They believe that they may (or may not) have sacrificed one human life a year to their Sun God.


How many millions of men and women were sacrificed in the past 2000 years in the religious wars? How many were sacrificed to Jesus, Moses or Allah?


Let’s get back to the Ray of Creation. The Sun is God to the planets and to that thin layer of organics life that lives on the surface of the Earth. We could not exist for one day without the energies of the Sun.


Let us review:


The energy of the Creator God created the Universe and is God over its creation and all lesser creations.


The Universe is the creator of the billions of Galaxies and is God over its creation and all lesser creations.


The Galaxy is the creator of the billions of Solar Systems and is god over its creations and all lesser creations.


The Sun is the creator of its planets and all lesser creations. Mankind included.


Understand Gods are energies and they are not anthropomorphic.


Man is a unique energy being for he is given the power to become a God or a higher ordering force and move up the Ray of Creation.


Remember the Spiritual Quantum Physics definition of ‘God’. “A God is the next higher ordering force.”


How can anyone on the planet Earth think that Jesus, Moses or Allah, etc were Gods. They have not brought order to mankind on the planet.


They were highly developed humans working their way up the Ray of Creation. Their message to the world was: “I did it this way. You can do it also.” Not “I did it for you.”


It was those who followed behind who tried to make Gods out of them for their own selfish purposes. They are the ones who caused all the wars and the deaths and the chaos we see in the world today. And they are still doing it in the name of God (and oil).


Each of us is a soul that lives and moves and has our being within the soul of the Creator God. We exist as energy beings on the lowest ladder in the Ray of Creation, the planet earth.


“One by one we are born, one by one we evolve (or don’t) and one by one we die to be reborn again.










Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Key to Power and Peace

April 23, 2011



The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that unlimited power is ours. It flows from the Mind of God to the infinite Quantum Ocean and into our individual auras. This flow of power is a gift from the Creator God.


All we have to do is to get ‘ourselves’ out of the way. We must let go of all our false and unconscious beliefs, ideas, concepts and programming.


It is a true scientific maxim: “Let go and let God.”


The primary Spiritual Quantum Physics maxim that we must accept and steep our blood and bones in is:


“There is only one mover in all creation and that mover is THOUGHT.”


There is a cause, a reason for you as well as the universe. There is a power greater than you are and you are part of it.


In this stultified materialistic godless world we find ourselves living in we must start to look to the spiritual writings and spiritual poetry for some guidance. We must learn to seek out the Creator God.


Here is a marvelous example of spiritual poetry that will get you thinking.


“O, raise up thine eyes to the eternal sky

In thy bondage strike out to be free

Hush the whispering voice of the infinite Why

With “I am and I was and I ever will be.”



The entire race of humanity is born free. Free to determine his destiny. Free to disclose the sources of his Being and immensity of his power.


Why is it that the great mass of humanity leads drab and colorless lives filled with fear, frustration and insecurity?


These thoughts are products of man’s conscious mind. Circumstances shape man’s destiny. But there are resources which can raise the human soul above his circumstances.


Thought habits of your conscious mind shape your life. Conceptual habits of conscious mind are the greatest bar to man’s discovery of himself.


The important thing to remember is that every day of your life the same power that brings you good fortune also brings you bad fortune according to how you use it.


The conceptions of yourself as children of god, as infinite souls, as co-creators, as god-lings are locked up in your subconscious mind. Learn how to unlock it.


Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:





Spiritual Quantum Physics ‘Marry Your Conscious and Subconscious’ Minds

April 22, 2011



Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us all is energy and that we are energy beings living, moving and having our being within an infinite energy being called the Mind of God.


We are also told that thoughts are things and we create our own individual realities with our thoughts.


Our minds are a small piece of the Mind of God. Our small minds are like drops of water in the ocean. Or to be more exact the Quantum Ocean which is the playing field the Mind of God has created for us.


With our minds and thoughts we co-create our individual realities just like the Mind of God creates this infinite reality all around us.


Man in his limited knowledge of how God creates has talked and written about three types of mind. They are subconscious, conscious and the super conscious. But in reality we only have one mind with three separate functions.


Our subconscious mind is the mind that automatically, without our conscious help, keeps us functioning as a living energy being. Such processes as breathing, digesting, cell growth, blood flow, seeing, hearing etc are carried on without our conscious interference.


Our subconscious mind keeps us alive and protected from everything that is harmful, painful or destructive.


It is our conscious mind which we use to observe and function within the ‘outside’ reality all around us that gets us into trouble. Our erroneous thoughts, actions and feelings send incorrect messages to our subconscious.


Our subconscious whose job it to keep us safe and healthy sends us back messages saying: Don’t do that! Don’t say that! Don’t feel that way!


If we don’t listen then it sends back stronger messages in the form of pain.


If we still don’t listen it causes us to have an accident, a fall, a broken leg of even a car accident. It wants our attention to tell us what we are doing wrong.


Finally as a last ditch effort it will attract someone into our life who has the same problem or issue that it is trying to tell us about. This way we can see in the mirror of our world, by their actions, what it is we are doing wrong.


Therefore it is true that we create our own pain, accidents, unhappiness and misfortunes.


The part of our mind called the subconscious is truly our best friend and our private watch dog. Learn to listen to it. Learn to be its friend. Consciously marry it.


Your super conscious mind is the part that you use to get to know God better through your meditations.

Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:





Spiritual Quantum Physics and Insanity

April 17, 2011



Since the Age of Aquarius has given us the new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics we need to redefine important words.


We now know that all is energy and words and thoughts are things. They are quanta packets in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.


Let us redefine the much abused word ‘insanity’. Thinking of oneself as Napoleon or Cleopatra or having a difference belief system than what is called ‘the norm’ does not mean you are insane.


Let us look at ‘insanity’ through the energy eyes of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics and redefine it.


Insanity according to these laws:

  • Believing that words are the event-structure function  they represent (the word ‘chair’ is not the ‘chair’)
  • Uncontrolled, disorganized and chaotic feelings and thoughts and reactive actions set chaotic energies at work in your life.
  • Living in a state of relative unwariness and unconsciousness the unconscious are already dead. Unconscious people are the Zombies of the movies.
  • Trying to function by thinking past idea-word-noise concepts in your mind instead of perceiving in the here-now (nothing in the Universe remains the same second-by-second)
  • The belief that a magical word or statement will immediately solve your problems.
  • Holding to the delusion that you function like you think. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Learn to function like an energy being not a physical one.
  • Blind reactions to people, events and things cause by words or ideas.
  • The use of unmeasured and unconscious speech, thoughts, feelings and actions into your daily life letting unconscious energy  eating parasites into your aura.
  • Improper use of energy.
  • Using too much or too little force necessary to perform any needed function.
  • Allowing yourself to worry, fear, rave about, and be governed by your unconscious reactions to your every day needs. Work peacefully with what God places in front of you each day.
  • Forming opinions, judgments and decisions based mostly or only on your likes or dislikes.
  • Unconscious identification with your words, ideas, concepts and thoughts.


You are not your body, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts nor your mind. You are an infinite energy being surrounded by the Light and you live and move and have your being within the Mind of God.


Unconsciousness is a real live energy entity that eats your life force. It is the Dracula of the movies.


Stay conscious in all you do. It is ‘insane’ to waste your precious energy unconsciously. Wear your garlic (consciousness) 24/7.

Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:



With All Thy Getting Get Wisdom

April 16, 2011



My spiritual teacher I.F. told me the 3 most important qualities of life are Light, Love and Wisdom Power.


“With all thy getting get Wisdom”


  • Wisdom is the ability to apply structure-function-order coordinates of the Cosmic Process (GOD) into your everyday living.
  • Wisdom is the ability to set limits.
  • Wisdom is the application of balance, control and alternation to your daily functions.
  • Understanding starts with self-knowledge, wisdom is the growth of that self-knowledge through harmonious function according to your inner structure.
  • Wisdom is the process of applying perception, recording, structure and function to growth physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  • Wisdom is living in conscious perceptive awareness.
  • Wisdom is intelligent preparation for useful everyday living; for integrating balance, awareness and conscious growth in everything you say, feel, think and do.
  • Wisdom is never permitting yourself to get so lost in any idea or function that you say this is ‘IT’, and then become unconscious.
  • Wisdom is the intelligent awareness and control of all you say, feel and do. It is a trained skill.
  • Wisdom means losing all mono-idealism and blind speculations.


















Wisdom is the end result of an integral function. It must be lived to be known.


It can never be completely stated in words. It must be experienced in daily life function till its live-giving and healing power is felt in your bones, belly, head and heart. It is called “digesting the light.”

Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter:



Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Magical Arts

April 15, 2011



Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is neither time nor space there.


All the magical arts are there and you can tap into them with your own mind.


Six thousand years ago the Art of Magic was practiced by the priesthood who were among the highest and most brilliant men in the land.


This science spread to India and developed as Yoga. It spread into Tibet where it formed the basis of the Lamaistic systems of spiritual discipline. In China it developed into Taoism.


It then passed into the Western world. Hippocrates used the ‘magnetic pass’ or laying on of hands’ in the cure of diseases.


Aesculapius relieved pain in inflamed parts of the body by breathing on them and stroking with his hands.


Medieval alchemists tried to create an analogical science by using physical elements as symbols of spiritual principles.


In the 17th century Paracelsus, Kirchner, Maxwell and others wrote books setting forth the theory that living bodies contained a magnetic fluid which was transmissible from one to another by the exercise of the will and imagination.


In the 18th century came Franz Mesmer, whose theory of hypnosis as a curative power swept through Europe like a conflagration.


In 1784 Benjamin Franklin and Lavoisier investigated Mesmer’s theory and concluded that there was no evidence of an animal magnetic field. This report by two spiritually ignorant men finished Mesmer.


Had Mesmer been born a century later during the age of field physics and atomic energy research, when even a microbe is conceived as giving off energy waves, his fate would have been quite different.


Now in the Age of Aquarius with its new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics Mesmer’s theory has been proven true.


Yesterday’s magic is today’s science. It is all there for you to read and use in the Quantum Ocean.



Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.


Email for free newsletter: