Archive for January, 2009

Quantum Physics “Talk To Your Things”

January 26, 2009

refrigeratorQuantum Physics

Talk to Your Things”

This New Age of Aquarius with it’s new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics, will be with us for 2000 more years.

It is a very exciting time and we have just started this 2000 year journey.

We have the Paradigm that tells us that thoughts are things and that we create what we think about.

It also tells us that all is energy, you are energy, I am energy, our Solar System is energy. The Quantum Ocean is an infinite supply of intelligent creative energy and the Mind of God is the ultimate source of energy.

We, as of yet, have not figured out all the rules, procedures and processes on how to use these wonderful Laws of Quantum Physics.

We must start building them ourselves. We can start changing the whole world towards peace, prosperity and love, but doing one very important thing. Doing it ourselves.

Since we are all individual souls, in the Mind of God, who have been manifested into this physical reality it is up to us.

Each of us must attract peace, health, wealth, and love in our own individual life and it will radiate out to every other soul on the planet.

Let us start with our own reality. We can think about, write about and meditate upon the energies of peace, love, health and wealth into our own individual configuration.

Since thoughts are things and we are energy beings we can send thoughts anywhere we want, we can send energy anywhere we want.

Start with yourself, with your morning meditations. Heal yourself first with your own thoughts.

Then go around your home and think energy into all your things.

What I am saying is that your “things” are your refrigerator, your TV, your computer, your pets, your auto etc. ALL of them are energy that is manifested out of the mind of God, just like you.

Therefore on some level you are connected to all your possessions. Talk to them and send them energy. The will listen to you.

Go into the kitchen and put your hands on the refrigerator. Say something like, “Good Morning, I am grateful you are keeping our food fresh and healthy. I love you.” (Don’t be embarrassed no one is listening.) And , “I give you energy. You have at least 10 more years of good service. Thank You.”

Go to the TV, the computer and your appliances and think of things to say to them. Be creative, have fun, say what you like but try to use the words gratitude, love, energy and Thank you.

A very important ‘thing’ is your Auto. Never think bad thoughts about your car. Don’t curse it with your thoughts. If it is not running well get it fixed without thoughts of negativity. Then every day talk to it in your own words, using gratitude, love, energy and thank you.

Then watch how much better it run for the next 10 years.

You don’t need New Things or a new car so often if you fill the energy fields of the ones you now own with gratitude, love and thank you.

They will faithfully run for you for years.

Don’t forget your pets, your children, your spouse and every organ in your body. More on this next article.

Email me for free Quantum Physics E-book.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Build A Quantum Physics Dream Castle For Your Thoughts

January 24, 2009

castleQuantum Physics

Dream Castle

The Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm called the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws tell us that everything is energy and our thoughts attract creative energy out of the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God and create our physical reality.

Everything we see around us was created by thought. Our health, wealth and relationships were all created by our thoughts. Our illnesses and maladies are also created by our thoughts.

You are right here, exactly where you are while you are reading this article because you put yourself here.

If you don’t like where you are in your finances, health, or relationships, the good news about the Laws of Quantum Physics is that you can change all of it for the better.

You can do this by using the Laws of Attraction correctly. But you need a methodology, a means, a vehicle to use the Laws of Attraction correctly.

Here is the one that I have been using. It is working for me and it should work for you.

I call it my Quantum Physics Dream Castle. Since thoughts are creative things, what I have done is created my own thought world.

Here’s what you do, every day. Your present reality of health, wealth and love greets you every morning, because you believe it will be there awaiting you when you wake up each morning.

Now practice your Quantum Physics Dream Castle every day and expect it to greet you every morning when you wake. And your new reality will be there to greet you. How long will it take? it is individual and depends upon your particular blocking energies.

So lets begin. Every morning sit in your favorite chair, relax and breath deeply. With eyes closed visualize yourself in a large garden with flowers and trees. Don’t visualize anything small make your Quantum Physics dream garden huge like the one in Versailles.

Now walk down the path towards your dream castle. Cross over the moat bridge and approach the two huge doors. Outside the doors are posted two warriors of your choice. They are there to keep all intruding negative thoughts from entering your castle with you.

Once through the doors you find yourself in huge foyer. There is a large fountain in the middle with a large crystal chandelier hanging on each side. To the right is a fireplace where several logs are burning.

In front of you is a wide stair way. A butler and a maid or what ever you wish, greets you and says “Welcome back Mr. or Mrs.——. ,may I escort you to your private thought room?”

You follow him up the stairs and he takes you to a door and opens it for you. You step inside.

The room is very large with a fountain, fireplace and chandelier if you like. Design your own room.

I have a black and white tile marble floor. Suits of Armor, swords and shields and tapestries of hunting and great battle scenes in my room. I have been a warrior for the past 6 incarnations and I resonate to them.

Remember there is no good or bad only man’s creations. Read the ancient text Bhagada Gita for a treatise on war and warriors.

I have two balconies on either end of my room where I can go out and view the garden. In front of me are twelve oak doors with brass plates depicting what is behind them.

This is my main room in my Quantum Physics Dream Castle. The doors open to rooms where I will create the new pieces of my own reality.

In part 2 I will give you a detailed description of how to build your twelve rooms with your thoughts of what you want your future to be.

Remember you are here now because of your thoughts. Your Quantum Physics Dream Castle will build a new better HERE NOW for you. It is the Law of Quantum Physics. The Law of Attraction. The Law of God and Creation.

Email me for my free Quantum Physics newsletter.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Age of Aquarius Healing Clinic

January 20, 2009

New Age of Aquarius

Paradigm Healing Clinic

The image is of Hippocrates the father of medicine. He  said “let know your treatment hurt thy patient.”

We are now in the Age of Aquarius, and as a Solar System we will be here for 2000 years.

There will be a need for a New Age of Aquarius healing Clinic. The paradigm of the Age of Aquarius is the Laws of Quantum Physics.

These laws tell us that all is energy. The Planet is energy, the Solar System , Galaxy and Universe are energy. God is energy.

Therefore the New Age of Aquarius paradigm for a healing clinic will be all about energies.

Two very important points to begin with. One, since I am not a doctor, nor do I belong to the AMA, then by their abstracting law it is against the law to talk about curing – healing.

The second part is this: Since we are energy beings, our health and well being depends upon a continuous flow of life force through out the body.

Illness will be defined by me as blockage to the flow of energy or life force any where in the body.

Therefore the new Age of Aquarius healing clinic will be based on clearing up energy blockages and increasing the flow of life force in the body.

When this happens, the body will naturally heal itself.

Here is a general over view of the healing energy we will use in our new Age of Aquarius healing clinic.

The energy healing tools are : Chiropractic, color healing, Bach flower remedies, Homeopathic remedies, E Eman circuits, radionics devices, acupuncture, and reflexology.

All these methods are based on reviving energy blockages in the body and increasing the flow of life force.

The New Age of Aquarius healing clinic will be housed in a huge, many roomed mansion on at least 100 acres with a large pond.

The grounds will be covered with gardens of flowers, fruit trees, herbs and vegetables.

The mansion will have separate healing rooms designated for each of the energy treatments.

There will be a complete staff of energy specialists, a Chiropacter, a Homeopathic doctor, a Bach flower remedy expert, a Dinshah Color healing expert, a Radionics expert a nutritionist, an herbalist, an Eeman circuit specialist, a yoga and meditation teacher, several pendulum experts who will help with all the remedy selection.

The clinic will be absolutely free, there will be a large urn at the door way for those compelled to leave a donation. A gift for a gift.

There will be no advertising, nor media exposure. The clinic will attract those who need it through the laws of Resonant frequencies.

Just like in the movie “Field of Dreams,” they will come.

Those who leave the clinic with positive experience (again I cannot say healing) will be by word of mouth, this will spread the news of the clinic rather than advertising.

Since I personally love the runes, Astrology and Quantum Physics , classes will be held in these subjects. As well as others including painting, writing and music.

This is just a first draft. A mere sketch for a new Age of Aquarius healing clinic. More to follow.

If there are any multi-millionaires out there who would love to usher in the Age of Aquarius ( remember it will be here for the next 2000 years) with an energy healing clinic please email me.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Rune Healing

January 19, 2009

Rune Healing

The subject of Rune Healing comes from a very wide field. There is a great deal of information on the Net about Rune Healing. You can find information about how the Vikings and our ancestors used Runes to heal.

But the bottom line to rune healing is energy. The New Paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that all is energy. You and I are energies, the runes are energies, our planet, Solar System, Galaxy and even the Universe is energy.

The Runes are keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe. They are the most powerful symbols and tools you can use to attract more health, wealth and love into your life.

Since we are energy beings we connect to all other energies in the Universe with our Auras. In fact the energies we carry in our Auras attract our physical realities. You want more health, wealth, and love? Then you must have the energy that vibrates to health, wealth and love in your Aura.

Then you must have the patience to allow these energies in you Aura to attract your new reality of health, wealth and love. It takes time.

Another powerful law of Quantum Physics is the law of Resonant Frequencies. A Rune UR symbol is a resonant frequency to the Universal healing energy. Like attracts like.

By practicing one of the following seven methods of Rune healing you can attract the healing energies of UR out of the Quantum Ocean of all energies and into your Aura.

Once the rune UR energy is in your Aura, it will start the healing process that will bring you health.

The following seven methods need a symbol of the UR Rune to be affective.. Copy the UR Rune at the end of this Article.

Rune Meditation: With the UR Rune in your lap relax, breathe deeply and meditate upon it. No thoughts just a simple runic meditation.

That is all you have to do. Your mind will make the needed connection.

Rune Breathing: With the Ur Rune in your lap, look at it and intone “I am now breathing the divine healing energy of the Rune Ur out of the Quantum Ocean and into my Aura.”

Rune Yoga: Practice the Rune Ur body and hand postures.

Rune Magic: This is a wide open field for you. I have written several articles on Rune Magic. Pick and Choose the method you like.

Rune Mantras: The power of the spoken Rune Mantras is not to be overlooked.

Rune Radionics: The 21st century has not only given us the Laws of Quantum Physics, but also the Internet and the new Science of Radionics. Combining Runes with Radionics powers up all your Rune exercises.

Rune Cooking: Make a batch of your favorite cookies and inscribe or make an icing symbol UR on them. Every day eat one knowing that the laws of Resonant Frequencies will attract abd unleash the healing power of Ur into your body.

I have lightly touched on just seven healing methods. You can find details to each of these methods in my other articles and on my website.

E-mail me for a free Rune Newsletter.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Rune Healing Dangers

January 10, 2009


Rune Healing


The Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm to work with. This paradigm is the Laws of Quantum Physics. Simply stated, these laws tell us that all is energy. The past, present and future exist in an infinite ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean in the Mind of God.

Therefore every rune healing, rune magical ritual and runic Shaman still exists in the Quantum Ocean. The danger to you, the 21st century rune master or rune novice, is that when performing a runic healing or a runic ritual there is a lot of baggage attached to it.

Therefore since we are in a new age and have a new paradigm it behooves us to use it. Bring the runes out of the Viking Age where the dangers be and into the sunlight of a new age free of baggage.

Simply stated when you do your runic healing and your runic magic don’t mentally go back to the past where the dangers lie. Bring the runes into the now and create runic healing’s and runic magic anew.

Let me show some of the rune healing dangers waiting for you in the past.

And all along their way she taught him the runes, upon her white hand.” Freya teaching Odin.

Runes have been used for war, for love, for prosperity and for healing etc.

Egil Skalogimissn used the runes as a form of black magic. He lusted after a young girl and promised to heal her by carving the runes on a whale bone. What he really wanted to do was to seduce her. She became seriously ill.

Egil Saga Poem:

Those who carve without knowledge should not write the runes. Great misfortune will follow when the secrets are misused.

I have see ten letters carved

out of a bent bone

They brought on the pain

that tortured the girl.”

Whenever you carve runes for someone they must know about It and agree with it.

In the Saga of Bosi and Hernand is a striking example of runes used for black magic.

I wish you pain

in your breast

That venomous vipers

gnaw your heart,

that your ears

are deafened forever,

and your eyes

point forever outward.”

Runes were also used to “heal” or control the weather, but at a price.

The King Vikar Saga” The King’s dragon ship came against extraordinary high winds and they stayed near small islands for a long time. Then they threw “rune sticks” into the ocean in order to diminish the winds. The result was that Odin demanded that a man from the company be chosen by a draw and be hung as a sacrifice.”

Runes serve as a mediation between humans and gods. What is the price?

So learn how to use the runes using the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics and by pass the dangers of the past.

I have only given you a few examples. Surf the net for more. Email me for my Rune Newsletter.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

The Quantum Physics Menu, Choose What You Want

January 9, 2009

Quantum Physics Menu

Order What You Want

The Laws of Quantum Physics is he New Paradigm for the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is the new place in space that we as a Solar System occupy in our Galaxy.

Our Solar System spirals around the Galactic Sun occupying a new space or Age every 2000 years. Our Earth spirals around our Sun once a year occupying a new space every 30 days.

The Secret is one of the most talked about topics in the Media, books and on the Net. The Secret is a small abstraction from the larger abstraction called the Laws of Quantum Physics, from a larger abstraction called the Age of Aquarius from the largest abstraction of all, the Mind of God.

Your physical reality, health, wealth and relationships are your individual abstractions out of all possible abstractions. It is the world you have chosen to be in.

The truth of “The Secret” and the Laws of Quantum Physics is this: You have abstracted your present world by your thoughts and emotions and it is as big or as small as your belief systems. Your health, wealth, and relationships are simply a product of your belief systems.

Want to change the state of your health, wealth and relationships change the size of your belief systems.

What ever a man can conceive and believe he can achieve.”

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that thoughts are things. They also tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God.

In the Quantum Ocean there is no time. No past, present nor future. Only the Now! There is no space , no length, width or height, Only the HERE.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in this infinite, timeless space-less HERE-NOW point. What a wonderful definition for the Mind of God.

Everything we have in our present reality, we have abstracted by “thought” out of the Mind of God. We live in our abstractions which is the sum total of our our belief systems.

We can change our reality by changing our belief system, by changing our thoughts.

You can use the Menu of the Laws of Quantum Physics to change your life. Start by changing your belief system. Make your abstractions (What you think out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God) LARGER.

What do you want in your life? How do you wish to see it? Within the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God, there are an infinite number of energy packets formed together in Divine Blueprints.

There are Divine Blueprints for health, wealth, love , friendship, courage, creativity, intellectualism, self-assurance, wisdom, harmony, peace etc. etc. etc.

The Law says where you place your attention your energy flows; where your energy flows this is what you attract into your life.

Start now to place your attention on the Laws of Quantum Physics, the Quantum Ocean, The Mind of God. Place your attention on the Divine Blueprints within the Mind of God. The ones you wish to attract into your life.

Start with a simple half hour morning meditation, thinking on these things.

When you get good at meditating and visualizing these Divine Blueprints, you can power up your new belief systems using the other gifts of the Age of Aquarius paradigm.

Learn about the Science of Radionics, the Science of Orgone Generators, the Science of Mental Radionics. All these are gifts from the Age of Aquarius ready for your use.

Rune Yoga Stadhgaldr

January 7, 2009

Rune – Yoga

Stadhagaldr is a magical system of Runic Postures. Gestures and Postures are used in every Magical practice. The Aim of Stadhagaldr, runic postures is to allow you to control your body through posture. You can control your thoughts through Song, control of breath and emotions. Also raising consciousness and becoming more aware of your self and the world around you.

The pioneers of Stadhagaldr are the early 20th Century Runemasters, F.B. Marby, S.A. Krummer, and Karl Spiesberger. They developed a system of Runic Yoga that harnessed the streams of power of the Universe, which is now referred to as the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God.

Marby spoke of the Quantum Ocean when he said, “The inner space of the Earth is a vast, but contained, zone of tranquil space that radiates energy. The material Earth’s space is the Physical matter of the planet.”

The Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent, thinking energy where everything exists in the form of energy. Our physical Earth is one of the manifestations of an energy pattern within the Quantum Ocean.

The Rune Magician, Sorcerer and Wizard knows how to receive and send patterns of energy from the Quantum Ocean to any place on Earth regardless of DISTANCE. They become antennas for the reception and broadcast of Runic Energies.

They can draw into themselves certain Runic forces or combination of forces by using proper Runic postures and Runic sounds.

By becoming aware of these Runic forces the Rune Magician, Wizard and Sorcerer can guide them consciously and help with the evolution of the their ancestral soul.

The Runes are Universal Creative Energies and their first effect is on the transformation and healing of the individual practicing Rune Yoga, Stadhagaldr.

Guido Von List has presented us with an Armanen set of Runic Yoga exercises. They are very powerful and effective because they only use 18 Runes.

It is very difficult to find good information on Guido Von List’s Runic Yoga exercises. The Knights of Runes is a good source for this information. Email me for free runes newsletter.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Quantum Physics For World Peace

January 6, 2009

peaceQuantum Physics

World Peace

Today with the world seemingly at war the cry for World Peace is heard loud and clear.

But before we can attain World Peace we must first understand what peace is. Peace is an energy. It is not a word nor a concept, idea or ideology.

It is an energy. Therefore the bottom line for World Peace is that the energy called Peace must pervade our physical reality. It must inundate the planet Earth.

The only way that the energy called “Peace” can be brought to the planet Earth is through Man. Individual man. Man is a step down transformer between the Mind of God and the world.

Man is the only entity on the physical plane that has the ability to attract the energy of “Peace” and radiate it out to every other man/woman, animal, plant and mineral.

Where does man go to find the energy called “Peace.”

In the Mind of God, the Quantum Ocean. Now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, we have been given a new paradigm to live by.

This paradigm is the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws simply tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Every thing that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is no time there, no past, present nor future. Only the Now.

There is no space there. No height, width nor length. Only the HERE.

This Quantum Ocean, Mind of God that you and I exist in is a timeless, space-less infinite point where everything else also exists.

What a marvelous definition for God. We live, move and have our existence in the Mind of God. The energy “Peace” also exists in the Quantum Oceanl Mind of God.

The reason there is no peace on the planet is because there are not enough people who have the energy of peace within them. Not enough people radiating the energy of peace into the world to off set the people who are not at peace with themselves and this is causing all the wars.

There is no way that we can force the billions of warring people to understand that they themselves are causing the wars.

But we can help at least 5% of the people on the planet to attract the peace energy out of the Mind of God and radiate it out to all others.

That is all it will take to turn wars off and peace on. 5 %. Those of us who are conscious enough to understand this can start this turn around.

How? By understanding that we live in the Mind of God and with our thoughts we can both attract energies out of the Quantum Ocean and radiate them out.

To start; sit comfortably in your favorite chair. Relax, breath slowly and deeply.

Now visualize that your are surrounded by an ocean of thinking intelligent energy.

Take a deep breath and mentally say to yourself, “I am now breathing in the energy of peace into my Aura and every cell of my body. I AM PEACE.”

Now start to radiate it outward from your heart center. See your family as a concentric circle surrounding you. Send everyone in the circle the energy of peace.

Next see another concentric circle filled with your friends and acquaintances. Send them the energy of Peace.

Next a concentric circle of everyone in the town or city where you live. Send them the energy of Peace.

Next your state. Then your country. Then the whole world. See the huge concentric circle of humanity that surrounds you. Send everyone in it the energy of Peace.

These energies of Peace will find their way into enough receptive hearts in the world to turn war into Peace.

Before the world can experience Peace at least 5% of humanity must be radiating Peace. They must be Peace itself!

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

Freya’s Valkyrie Brunhilde Attract Her For Protection

January 2, 2009

odinandbrunhildFreya’s – Valkyrie – Brunhilde

No women in these chaotic, dangerous days should be without their ow personal Valkyrie -Shield maiden.

According to the new Laws of Quantum Physics the Valkyries still live and exist in the timeless, infinite Quantum Ocean.

Thinking and meditating upon a particular Valkyrie will attract her energies into your Aura. What ever energies you carry in your Aura you can project out into your physical reality.

Project one Valkyrie to each of the four corners of your home, so that you will be protected while you sleep, take one with you when you leave for work.

Do not pooh – pooh the power of your mind nor the power of your imagination. According to the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics your whole physical reality of today is a result of your own mind and thoughts. Think the protection of a Valkyrie into your life. She will protect you from harm caused by negative thoughts. Think your own life or become part of someone else’s thought world.

Let’s talk about Brunhilde (Brynhilde), since she is the most famous of the Norse/Germanic Valkyries, she is the main character in the Volsunga Saga. It is a must read.

Richard Wagner used Brunhilde in his opera “The Ring of Nibelungen.” Brunhilde is also famous as Sleeping Beauty!

Two kings Hjalmgunnal (The elder) and Agnar (The younger) decided to fight. Odin sent Brunhilde to give victory to the older king. She disobeyed and gave victory to the younger, handsome king.

Odin punished her. He turned her into a mortal woman and imprisoned her in a remote castle in the Alps. His curse put her to sleep (sleeping beauty) and she slept behind a wall of thorns ( Rune Thorn).

Siegfried, the slayer of the Dragon Fafnir, entered the castle, kissed her and woke her up. He promised to marry her but his destiny lay elsewhere and the Norns wove him a new path to follow.

When you invoke Brunhilde, always see her in conjunction with the Rune Thorn (protection), and in her battle garb.

Brunhilde plays a major part in Wagner’s four opera titles. “Der Rings Des Nibelungon.” You can find it on a CD somewhere on the Net. It is well worth watching. I have limited space on my pages to write about Brunhilde. But the INTERNET is full of information about her.

Look at “The Saga of the Volsungs,” ” The Poetic Edda” or just type in Valkyries or Brunhilde. This will give you the information you will need to start your Valkyrie meditations for protection.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, “How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now.”

You can contact him at:

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