Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

God is — Therefore I Am

August 3, 2011



The Law of Attraction is intrinsically connected to the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.


This article will be written in the first person. In this way you will be making a personal affirmation with each sentence you read.


I live, move and have my being in the Mind of God, Quantum Ocean. I am a piece of the Mind of God, therefore whatever I desire is a desire in the Mind of God.


I therefore deserve everything that I could possibly imagine. I believe, because I am a piece of God’s mind I deserve what I want.


I am an extension of the Infinite Energy of the Quantum Ocean, which is the Mind of God.


I manifest through my Divine Blueprint, out of the Quantum Ocean, which allows me to experience a wide range of other energy frequencies around me.


I experience these things outside of me, like chairs, houses, money and other people but they are really inside of me. They are part of me.


My energy vibrates at a certain frequency and I attract other energies vibrating at a similar frequency.


I bring into my reality what I think about. It is the power of my thoughts and desires that attract my reality.


If I don’t attract what I desire, it is because somewhere along the line of my life I was exposed to a more powerful energy system in the form of parents, friends or physical environment which instilled negative thoughts counter to my present desires. These thoughts became part of my belief system.


“The sins of the mother and father …”


If I truly believe that I do not deserve something, thanks to the programming of mom and pop, then that something will not be attracted to me, or its coming will be greatly slowed down.


I therefore take the position that I do deserve something because of my Divine Inheritance and my connection to the Quantum Ocean and the Mind of God.


I override all negative programming from my past.


I deserve what I want simply because it is the intention of the Creator God that I experience my desires.


My Divine Blueprint is designed to attract to me what I want. My desires are gifts from the Creator God. They help me understand and experience my purpose in life.


I do not have to “work for them” nor “earn them”, only “Ask and I shall receive.”

I will not allow my memories, beliefs, thoughts and emotions to define who I think I am. I am much, much more than all of them.


The Creator God has a true desire to fulfill. I am an expansion of this Creative Force. My desires are expansions of God’s desires.


There is only one things happening — God!


“God is” — says it all!


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Spiritual Quantum Physics and Esoteric Astrology

July 19, 2011



It is time to take a look at esoteric astrology. Our human body has had an immense period of evolution. We are in a slow process of gradual up building which is still continuing and which will make each generation better.


 As we rotate through each new 2000 year cycle we are presented with a new energy which helps us evolve. The Age of Aquarius now floods the planet and all its inhabitants with the powerful energy of Uranus.


Whether we work with this powerful energy consciously or not it will initiate great changes in each of us as well as humanity as a whole.


It is time to get a better understanding of our finer vehicles and our inner organs which will feel the effect of the energies of Uranus.


Let us start with the astrological correspondence of our ductless glands. They are under the ruler of the life-giving Sun and the Great Benefic Jupiter.


Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that ALL is alive and ALL is connected. The Sun and Jupiter are alive and they are connected spiritually to our glands.


We must now carefully note that our individual glands are also under the ruler ship of other planets as well.


There are seven ductless glands that the ancient occultists called “the seven roses.”

These seven ductless glands are:


The Pituitary Gland, ruled by Uranus

The Pineal Gland, ruled by Neptune

The Thyroid Gland, ruled by Mercury

The Thymus Gland, ruled by Venus

The Spleen, ruled by the Sun

The two Adrenals, ruled by Jupiter


The Thymus gland, the Spleen and the two Adrenals are connected and effect our emotions. The Pituitary body and the Pineal gland are correlated with the spiritual side of our nature. The Thyroid gland forms the link between.


The Spleen is the entrance gate of the solar force which circulates through our body, without which we cannot live. It is governed by the Sun. The two Adrenals, under the ruler ship of Jupiter exert a calming, quieting effect on our emotional nature. Venus and her higher octave Uranus, govern the functions of nutrition and growth. 


We are now in the Age of Aquarius whose energies work through the Pituitary body. This Age will aid awakened man in his efforts to penetrate the veil into the invisible worlds.


No one can really and truly observe the physiological functions of any organs under such conditions as exist in the laboratory, on the operating table, or in the dissection and vivisection chambers.


To get an adequate understanding one must see these organs exercising their physiological functions in a living body, and can only be done by spiritual sight.


Now, in the Aquarian Age the Sun will begin to transmit highly intellectual vibrations which will  increase our intuitions, premonitions, and telepathic transmissions. This will be done by the awakening of the Pituitary ruled by Uranus.


Welcome to the New Age.




Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

How To Keep Indigo Children Healthy With Quantum Physics

April 2, 2009

How to Keep Indigo Children

Healthy With Quantum Physics

Indigo children is the term used to describe children born during the New Age of Aquarius; who are believed to have a higher state of human evolution. This includes, but is not limited to, increased paranormal abilities, being intellectually gifted, unusually creative, along with extremely high empathy and moral sensibility.

The new Age of Aquarius, which has just begun and will be with us for the next 2000 years has given us a new paradigm for healing.

This new paradigm is called the Laws of Quantum Physics. And these laws tell us that all is energy contained with an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God.

These new Age children who are born during the Age of Aquarius are indeed “Special.” Not BETTER than other children but different.

Their differences are in the form of vibrations. Just as a violin can reach higher notes than a cello. Neither is better than the other only different in vibrational frequencies.

Our whole Solar System has rotated around our Galactic Sun and placed us in a new position. This new position, which will last 2000 years, has a new S.T.E.M. (space, time, energy, matter) continuum.

The Indigo children vibrate to this new S.T.E.M. Not the S.T.E.M. of the dying Age of Pisces, which has just now passed.

Therefore their health and well being depends upon the parents applying the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics to their every need.

The new paradigm is all about energy and vibrations. The Indigo children must be treated with the new energy healing sciences of Homeopathy, Cell-salts, Color healing, Flower remedies and Radionics, to name a few.

They must never be subjected to vaccinations, drugs, scalpels, MRI’s, X-rays or any of the harmful Age of Pisces healing techniques.

Their vibrations are too refined and delicate for these barbaric and intrusive methods.

As important as the application of energy healing techniques is, there is also something more important, a harmonious environment. Above all else, the home of the Indigo child should be peaceful and harmonious.

The new laws of Quantum Physics are explaining the Laws of Attraction to us. They tell us that when parents are angry or in bad state, they attract more anger and mis-fortune from the environment around them, and spread it tgroughout the home.

And even though the anger may not be directed at or towards the Indigo children, they feel it. Like the all the rest of the biological family they live, move and have their state of being in the same “fish bowl” of vibrations.

The parents anger, hostility, hate, and fear will fill the water in the “fish bowl” with negative vibrations. These negative vibrations will enter the Indigo child harming them, in the form of illness.

More and more we are finding out that all physical illness’s are caused by negative emotions or energy blockages caused by these same negative emotions.

Make the home a peaceful and harmonious place for your Indigo child.

As far as education goes, you don’t have to teach the Indigo children about the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Age of Aquarius. They already “know.”

Be very careful when you consider sending your Indigo child to a Public School. Most Public Schools have horrendous vibrations and it is not a good atmosphere for the sensitive Indigo Child.

Home schooling in a harmonious atmosphere or get a private tutor. If you go back in history, you will see that most great men and women of Science, Art, Literature, Politics were either Home Schooled or had a private tutor.

If you are fortunate enough to have an Indigo child, treasure them and protect them from inharmonious frequencies at all cost.

They have come to teach us.

Email for free newsletter.


Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

The Secret of Ond Orgone Generator Energy

April 1, 2009

The Secret of Orgone Ond Generator Energy

The Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm for healing ourselves. This new paradigm is the the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that we live, move and have our being within an infinite ocean of Thinking Energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God.

All is energy. You are energy, I am energy, the Earth is energy, the Universe is energy and God is energy.

Therefore the new paradigm of health for the next 2000 years will be a paradigm of energy healing.

We have already experienced the energy healing sciences of some of the pioneers. Homeopathy, Flower Remedies, Cell Salts, Color healing, Radionics, Orgone Generation, and White Gold Powder.

The Laws of Quantum Physics also tell us that we are individual souls responsible for our OWN well being.

Therefore if we are not in the best of health, we caused it ourselves and we can heal it ourselves. The victimization nonsense being spread by the TV, media and psychologists is destroying our society. It enable the weak and destroys the strong.

The Age of Aquarius gifts will allow us to heal ourselves. The Orgone Ond Generator allows us to combine two of these new energy healing sciences.

An Orgone Ond Generator is a simple Radionics device. It contains a power source, which is the creation of Life-Force due to the interaction of metallic and non metallic substances within a geometrical form.

The Remedy (or what you intend) will be the choice of homeopathy, cell salts, flower remedies or color that is placed within the liquid resin (non-metallic substance) in the creating stage of orgone ond generator.

The Target will be the photo of the person who is to receive the energy.

A radionics device (orgone ond generator) uses Life-Force to attract an energy out of the Quantum Ocean and transfer it to the Aura of the Target.

If a homeopathic remedy, cell salt, flower remedy, color, drop of White Gold Powder is embedded within the Geometrical form of the Orgone Ond Generator that is the energy that will be transferred to the the target.

Healing must be done on an individual basis. You created the illness within your energy configuration. This illness was caused by erroneous thoughts, emotions and beliefs that blocked the natural flow of life force through out your body’s energy fields.

The Orgone Ond Generator will attract the correct energy out of the Quantum Ocean that will be in a one to one resonance with the remedy of you choose (Homeopathic, Cell salt, Flower essence, color, White Gold Powder, etc)

The right choice of the right remedy will clear the energy blockages and allow the life force to flow unimpeded throughout your body. The free flow of life force creates health.

You do not need to place a photo under the Orgone Ond Generator. It is constantly radiating (24/7) the energies of the remedy you have chosen into the atmosphere around it. Simply hold it in your hands or place it close to where you sit or sleep.

These new healing energy techniques are gifts of the Age of Aquarius.

In a couple of hundred years, when the new paradigm of healing energy techniques has reached critical mass, they will be accepted into every home; the same as going to the Doctor or pharmacy is today. But with this new better more natural alternative in it’s place.

We have just entered the Age of Aquarius and have approximately 1900 years to go. These are only the first gifts. Watch for the new wonders we have in store for us.

Email me for free newsletters.

tn_ond-double-5-crystal-3001Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

What Is The Age Of Aquarius?

March 26, 2009

uranusWhat is the Age of Aquarius?

Before we can fully understand the answer to this question we must understand who and what we are. We are individual souls creating a physical reality on the planet Earth. We create this reality so we can experience people, places and events.

We do this for one purpose only. To evolve and raise our level of consciousness. Why? So we can work our way back to where we came from, to the “Creator” who sent us here.

What are we? We are units of dynamic energy. We are souls who create our physical, mental and emotional bodies with energy. We are not bodies who have a soul. We are souls who create bodies.

All is Energy! You, I, this planet Earth, the Solar System, the Universe and the Creator God, who sent us here, are ALL energy. The only thing happening in the whole Universe (and other Universes for that matter) is energy relationships.

You and I relate energy wise to each other. We have an energy relationship with Mother Earth, the Sun, the planets, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe and the Creator God.

It is through this interplay of the infinite energy relationships that this “All” exists.

Raising one’s consciousness is a way of understanding and relating better to all the energies around us that we have relationship with.

Astrology, a marvelous ancient Art and Science explains our energy relationship with the Earth, the Moon and the Planets of our Solar System.

This energy interaction of ours is set into motion by the orbital rotation of Earth around the Sun. As the Earth orbits around the Sun we move through thirty degree arcs of space which define the Zodiac for us.

Each thirty degree arc is assigned a zodiacal name: Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.

Each arc lasts 30 days. For this period of time the ruling planet of the sign exerts it’s energies onto our Earth. We all have a thirty day energy relationship with each of the twelve signs once a year.

Our Solar System, as an energy entity itself orbits around our Galactic Sun. It too traverses this 360 degree orbit 30 degrees at a time.

Each of these 30 degree arcs is also given a zodiacal name. But instead of 30 days, our Solar System takes 2000 years to each of the 30 degree arcs of it’s orbit around the Galactic Sun. This is what the ancients called “ The Precession of the Equinox’s.” We have just crossed over into another 30 degree arc. It’s name is Aquarius. Therefore for the next 2000 years we will be in the Age of Aquarius.

We have just left the last 2000 years Age and it was called the Age of Pisces.

Notice that our Earth orbits around our Sun clockwise from Aries to Pisces. Our Solar system orbits around our Galactic Sun Pisces to Aries.

The planet that will rule the energy for energy relationships of all houses on the planet Earth at this time will be Uranus.

Uranus, a planet in our Solar System has a congruent resonant frequency to the Age of Aquarian energies being sent by the Solar System being in the Arc called the Age of Aquarius around the Galactic Sun.

Therefor Uranus will be a direct step-down transformer of Aquarian energies to all of us on Earth.

What this means is that the primary guiding energy for all life on our planet for the next 2000 years will be the energy of Uranus.

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear it will bring us many gifts. Gifts that will help us with our destiny of evolving and raising our levels of consciousness.

For those who will refuse to see and hear these Uranian energies it will be very destructive and chaotic.

Uranian energies will enter our lives like flashes of lightening bolts for either individual evolution or de-volution.

The choice is always ours.

Send for free Astrological newsletter.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Radionics + White Gold Powder Newsletter #3

March 25, 2009

white-gold-powder-3Radionics + White Gold Powder

News Letter #3

What I want to share with you in this newsletter is what I call “Alternative Thinking.” I think the new commercial slang is “Thinking Outside the Box.”

The greatest and most important gifts we have received from the Age of Aquarius are David Hudson’s W.P.G and the Science of Radionics. There are others including the Internet which give us the opportunity to communicate better and faster.

One of my scientific, spiritual teachers, I. F., said “Alternate thinking is having your own thoughts, by passing all the experts and authorities and thinking things through for yourself.

Napoleon once said that the hardest thing for any man to do is think. Most of humanity will do what ever it takes not to think. They allow others to think for them.

The reason we are in the mess we are in is because instead of having millions of independently free thinking people creating Peace, Love, Harmony, Health and Wealth, we have a few controlling individuals thinking for everyone. And their thoughts are mostly concerned with themselves and their advancement in power and wealth.

Be that as it may, the new Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm. The Paradigm which tells us that thoughts are things and man creates what he thinks about.

David Hudson used to tell me that he was looking to create the “Philosopher’s Stone.” The elixir of Life! We spent many an evening talking about alchemy.

The story that impressed both he and myself is the one told by Paracelsus. It is the story about this great alchemist who spent years in his laboratory trying to transmute lead into gold. He finally succeeded and called his other alchemical “buddies” to show them what he had done.

He repeated his experiment and a few hours later “Gold!” All the alchemists, but one, marveled and walked around his laboratory checking out his equipment, chemicals, beakers, flasks pipettes etc. Asking dozens of questions. The one alternative thinking, alchemist asked “What do you think happened?”

After fussing and blustering about how this chemical reacted with this and he did this and that etc.

No”, the free thinker asked. “What happened to the lead that turned it into gold? What is the physical difference between the two?”

After much consideration the alchemist said ,“Why the gold element has one less electron in it’s outer orbit.”

Is that the only difference?”


Well then all this work, these solutions, chemical reactions, etc, was to force one atom out of the orbit of the lead?”


Good, you have succeeded in doing it by the long way. The process is now in the Akashic Record. I bid you adieu. “

Where are you going?”

Home to think the electron out of a lead coin and make myself some gold.”

Strange story but true. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel or make a better mouse trap.

David Hudson has done it for us. Wilhelm Reich and Karl Welz have created the radionics devices for us.

According to the new laws of Quantum Physics everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, mind of God. The W.G.P. exists there. The Radionics devices exist there. Thoughts are things. We manifest what we think about. We are extensions of the Mind of God and therefore we have the ability to create.

W.G.P and Radionics are already created. Let us use them. Let us use our minds to operate them.

What does W.G.P. do? I don’t know all the answers to that yet. It seems to have the power or ability to cross over back and forth between that magical “Ring Pass knot,” boundary between physical reality (manifest) and the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.(Un-manifest)

Why is that so important? Because it is at this junction that creation takes place.

The closer we get to this infinitely thin dividing line, the closer we get to the divine blueprints of perfect health, perfect consciousness, and perfect truth.

Hanhaman (homeopathy) understood this concept of approaching the infinite. He created the Science of Homeopathy with this in mind. Keep diluting, diluting, diluting etc. So that the homeopathic substance was as close to the dividing line as possible. The result is the healing process starts.

Edward Bach did the same thing with his Bach flower remedies for healing the emotional body of man.

Hudson’s W.G.P. actually crosses this boundary between manifest and un-manifest. What ever you attach to the W.G.P. your physical body, a symbol, an intention, is carried over into the un-manifest and then back again – FULFILLED.

If man did not have so many false belief systems that he has incorporated into his energy fields, all healings and manifestations would happen instantaneously.

I use my mind and my theory of Mental Radionics to enter the Quantum Ocean, combine energies and then wait patiently for them to work their way through my jungle of false beliefs given to me by my mom, dad, teachers, priests, and the media and society in general.

To help me with all my healing process I also use the W.G. P. and the physical radionics machines.

Living in this mad chaotic world no one can keep the same thoughts generating for any length of time. We need physical tools to help us with our mental work.

The Chinese have a saying, “The person who can hold a thought for ten minutes could rule the world.”

I am sure that as these ideas reach critical mass in the race consciousness , future generations will be able to think themselves healthy, wealthy and wise.

My latest experiments are in rejuvenation, being 70 “plus” years. I have several Welz generators operating for specific issues, teeth, eyes, wife, children, grandchildren, dog etc. I also have one that has a photo of me in my prime of life (age 30) just after I was out of the army. It is a photo of me in a bathing suit at the beach. (It is my belief that the sea and sky are natural rejuvenators!)

I keep this on the “Intention plate of my radionics device. I have a photo of myself now (70 plus) in front of the silver tube (target.)

A drop of W.G.P. Oo my age 30 photo to power the transfer of energies from the 30 to the 70. And patience. Lots of patience. Ever hear of Count St Gemaine?

What if someone reading this newsletter could show people, with a serious illness problem, how to get a photo of themselves in “good health” and start the Quantum Ocean / Mind of God energy transfer? Wouldn’t that be a blessing for the world.

Have you had any good new ideas lately? Love to hear them.

Be Well


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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

March 24, 2009


Sorry for the single letter to all three. I am very busy these days. I have three websites, blogs, articles and I big dream — “NATURAL ORDER SOCIETY FARM.”

Chris I will send you rune info in a separate letter.

These are very important times. The Age of Aquarius has not only brought us a new paradigm, called the Laws of Quantum Physics — it is also releasing a very powerful energy upon the planet.

The energy of URANUS, the ruler of Aquarius. It will be with us for 2000 years and will bring many changes, suddenly.

It is the energy of the Lightning bolt. Wherever it hits there will be transformation. For those who have not taken the time to build the correct “step-down” transformer circuits within themselves, destruction. For those who have – transformation and even distribution of these high energies.

There is nothing spiritual, occult nor mystical, good or bad, about this. It is, was and always will be about ENERGY. This is what the Age of Aquarius is telling us. You, I, the planets, galaxy, God are all energy beings.

Everything is evolving. You and I into higher beings, Moon into a planet, earth into a sun, sun into a solar system, solar system into a galaxy, galaxy into a universe, universe back into the mind of God.

So, these powerful energies coming from our Galactic sun (that is what causes the 2000 year age, our solar systems orbit around the galactic sun) is showering everything in our solar system with this new very powerful energy.

Aquarius + Uranus = Instantaneous transformations.

Mankind is only a very thin layer of organic life on the surface of the planet.

His survival or destruction in the Creator’s overall scheme is not important. If man does not raise his level of consciousness enough to withstand this powerful Uranus energy, then the whole 5th root race of man will go by the way of the do-do birds and dinosaurs.

The good news is that we only need about 5% of the total population of humanity to become more conscious for the survival of the whole race. We are about 1%.

This is part of my dream, part of my dharma, part of my

continuation of IZ’s work. I am fishing for the 5%.

That is why I use the INTERNET to go fishing. It is one of the gifts of the Age of Aquarius.

I use astrology, numerology, runes, mythology, radionics, and quantum physics as my bait.

It really doesn’t matter what the physical words of my articles etc ‘mean’. There is an ‘inner’ vibration attached to them. This through the Laws of Resonant Frequency will attract those I am looking for. In PA, NY, England, China, Sri-lanka, etc it does not matter.

I am 70+ now and the Ole Hopi grandfather, at Four Corners, Arizona, told me 10 years ago the I would live to be 104+.

Lots of time to go fishing.

Now this is important!!!!

The Age of Pisces, which was given 2000 years to flourish by the creator God is over. The plug has been pulled. No more energy, no more connection to the Galactic Sun. It may take another 100 years or so for it to fall completely. But it will fall. Do not let it fall on your head.

Therefore remember what the great mystic and teacher said 2000 years ago — “come ye out from amongst them — let the dead bury the dead.”

It was a message to let go. Now it is time to let go of all the edifices of Pisces, no matter how comfortable they may seem or how much you may be attached to them.

The new forms for the Age of Aquarius need to be built, and this will take time.

Many will come after me who will do a better job, but I will start and light a light.

I will use the umbrella of my “NATURAL ORDER SOCIETY FARM” to send out e books, books, you tubes, audios, lessons, etc as bait for my fishing.

Let go of Pisces. Grab hold of Aquarius with two hands. Build the correct ‘inner circuits’ so that you will be able to transform the powerful Uranus energies into useful transforming energies.


For survival and also to fulfill your destiny. They don’t talk about man’s destiny. It is all about ‘out there’.

No, it is an inner destiny. There is really only one destiny passed on to us by the Creator God. it applies to man, planets, suns, galaxies and universes. It is:


Age of Aquarius growth means:

INDIVIDUALIZE ( Get all the Pisces hooks out of you. stand on your own two feet.)

RAISE YOUR LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS (see and experience the bigger realities all around you)

BECOME MORE GOD LIKE (use your power to create)

Well have to go — lots of work to do


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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Solar Chart + Mars = 40 Days of Power

March 17, 2009


Solar Chart Plus Mars = 40 Days of Power

Now that we have moved into the Age of Aquarius, the new paradigm is the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that all is energy. You, I the planets, the Universe and the Mind of God, in which we live, move and have our being are all energy.

Energy will now come to the forefront and psychological and philosophical Astrology will go the way of the dinosaurs. They belong to the Age of Pisces which is dying and on it’s way out. That was the age of words.

Energy is in. The Laws of Quantum Physics also tell us that there exists a Law of Resonant frequencies. This tells us that energy flows between people, places, events and symbols that are the same frequency.

You are in resonance to the energies of your Solar Chart and your Natal Chart. Learn all you can about the structure and dynamic energies of your Charts for these energies flow through you and effect your reality.

A Solar Chart is a zodiacal wheel where your sun sign occupies the first house.

Right now the planet Mars is entering Pisces. It will stay there for approximately 40 days before it moves on to Aries.

What does this mean for you? It means that it will travel around your solar chart stopping in each of the twelve houses for 40 days and power them.

When Mars enters your first house for 40 days it will add power to your personality, your individuality. Great time to give yourself a new appearance if you like. Go to the gym and create a new you.

I chose to use the one key word method when I talk about the energies and functions of the houses and planets. The shot gun method of trying to understand all the key words associated with each house and planet can be quite confusing.

Mars is Power energies for new beginnings.. First house is personality. One key word per planet, per house.

Mars in the second house of money. Start new ways to attract money into your life.

Mars in the third house of communication. Start that book you always wanted to write. Write those powerful letters that need to be written.

Mars in the fourth house of your home; Time for changes, relocate, tear that will down, build that porch. Or simply start your search for your new house.

Mars in the Sixth house of health. Start a new health regimen. Diet, exercise, walk. Start studying about your body and what it takes to keep it healthy. Do it yourself don’t ask an expert.

Mars in the Seventh house. Prepare yourself for a new dynamic relationship. Time to seek out your soul mate and put more power and energy into existing relationships.

Mars in Eighth house. Look around you the emphasis will be on OPM, other peoples money, wills legacies and investments.

Mars in the Ninth house. Time to take that long trip. It can be a physical one, such as a cruise, a train trip across the country or a mental trip in the realms of the spiritual worlds.

Mars in the Tenth house. Time for a career move. Time to be aggressive and ask your boss for a promotion or a pay raise. The power of Mars will be behind you.

Mars in the Eleventh house. Time to get involved with spiritual groups. Sign up for an Astrology class, Tarot, or a metaphysical class where you will meet like minded people.

Mars in the Twelfth house. Time to rid yourself of things from the the past. Go to the attic or garage and throw out things that have no more use in your life. Go into your mind and emotions and toss out old belief systems that are out dated.

The power of Mars is yours to use. Use it and every 40 days, change your focus according to your Solar Chart.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Varangian Guard Viking Mercenaries

March 14, 2009

varagngian3Rune Varangian

The Varangian Guard was an elite force of Viking warriors who

served the Eastern Roman Empire.

Where did all the Russian Runic Inscriptions come from? From the

early 9th century Vikings traveled from Scandinavia down the

rivers into Russia.

They raided and traded as far south as the Black Sea, and as far

east as Baghdad on the Caspian Sea. Where ever they went the runes

went. You can find rune stones, rune grave markers, rune trade

agreements and even runic graffiti. Viking sailors were no

different from modern day sailors who carved their names where

ever they could.

They founded settlements in Russia. Kiev, Novgorod and Ladoga

were a few.

The Vikings were known as the ‘RUS’ and gave their name to Russia.

They ruled over the large Slavic population who lived there.

The name Varangian means “sharer of oaths’.

The reign of the Varangian Guard, as a separate fighting unit, is

dated 988 CE when Tsar Vladimer (a Viking himself) of Kiev sent

6000 Swedish warriors to Basil II of Byzantine.

They helped him put down a rebellion. Basil then made great use

of his Viking guardsmen in his campaign in Syria, Asia Minor and

Bulgaria till his death is 1025.

Where ever the Vikings went they not only took the runes but they

took their shields with the three red TYR runes

combined into a bind rune, flashing outwards, into battle.

The Vikings were much taller than anyone else in these regions.

They were ferocious and exceptionally loyal, in a land of liars

and turn coats.

They were known by the Byzantines as the PELELEPHORDI – “Axe-Men”

They carried large two handed axes into battle and caused many

enemy formations to break and flee just at the sight of their

Viking charge.

The Varangian Guard was an elite group and membership was not

automatic to any Scandinavian warrior.

There was one notable exception as far as size went. When Thormoth Indrithason wanted to join the Guard, the emperor thought he was too small and said he would not be able to do a man’s job. He changed his mind when he saw Thormoth slaughter an enormous bull, cutting its head off with a single stroke of his rune painted battle axe.

In 1034 the nineteen year old Harold Sigurdssen (Hardrada) of Norway, joined the Varangian Guard. He brought 500 Viking warriors with him.

He campaigned in Italy and Sicily and helped destroy the Arab pirate fleet, which preyed on Byzantine shipping.

The Varangians were stationed at various places in Constantinople.

During the Fourth Crusade of 1204 a huge force of Franks and Venetians attacked and sacked Constantinople. The Rune Shields of the Varangian Guard were in the forefront of the city’s defenses and repelled several attacks.

The fall of the city and the loss of so many of the Viking Guard, due to overwhelming odds, effectively ended the reign of the Varangian Guard.

You can find a rune name “HALFDAN” scratched in the South Gallery of the cathedral of Hagia Sofia. So much for Viking subservience to other religions.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Quantum Physics and Your Beliefs

March 10, 2009

Quantum Physics


Your Beliefs

Now that our Solar System has rotated to a new place in space around our Galactic Sun, we have entered a new Age. We call this new Age, the Age of Aquarius. It will last for the next 2000 years.

We have just left the Age of Pisces, which lasted 2000 years. Christianity and monotheism were the ruling paradigms of that age. They will go the way of the do-do bird as we enter deeper into the Age of Aquarius.

The new paradigm for the Age of Aquarius will be the Laws of Quantum Physics. They tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time nor space there, only the here-now. What a wonderful description for the Mind of God.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that each of us has attracted our own personal physical reality out of the Quantum Ocean by what we think and have thought.

Thoughts are things that live in our minds, enter the Quantum Ocean and bring energies matching these thoughts into our physical lives. Our thoughts are powered by our emotions and our emotions are powered by our belief systems.

Have you ever asked yourself where you first got your belief systems?

Most likely you believed what your parents told you: you believed what the priest or rabbi told you; you believed what school taught you, you believed in your governmental leaders, you believe in what the 5 0’clock News, ie the media tells you.

Now if your belief systems are the power behind your emotions and your emotions power your thoughts which enter the into the Quantum Ocean and build your own personal reality around you – What does this tell you?

Your present world that you are living was created by your parents, your religious leaders, your government and your teachers.

How depressing! We were meant to be free rolling wheels, to be individuals, to create our own destinies and realities.

Someone once said, “Come ye out from amongst them and let the dead bury the dead.”

Let the dead ideas and beliefs of your parents, religious leaders, teachers, government and media go! They all belong to the Age of Pisces which is on it’s way out.

The Age of Aquarius, with the new paradigm of Quantum Physics will now allow you to re-create for yourself a new reality.

Stop being programed with old ideas that are mostly erroneous and have no relation to the new paradigm we are entering! Re-program yourself with new ideas! You now have the power to literally create your own Universe. You will be able to do and experience anything and everything you want now.

But make sure that what you create is for the higher good of all.

Oh, by the way it may take a little, or a lot of time to rid yourself of old beliefs and build new ones.

But what is the hurry? What else do your have to do with your life?

Email for free Quantum Physics Newsletter

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50’s thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter: